AIT’s Professional Services Group is responsible for managing the implementation of an ERP deployment, making sure the project is properly resourced and executed. Our role with clients really starts during the sales process where we gather information about the company, its requirements, and the unique problems it is trying to solve. We get an idea of the personality and culture of the company. That gives us a great head start to hit the ground running after a contract is signed. AIT has developed a list of the top 10 keys to successful ERP deployment.
Top 10 Key Elements to a Successful ERP System Deployment
Identify and define the scope; map requirements to objectives
Identify and define the scope; map requirements to objectives
Clients should have a clear understanding of the problems they want to solve. These can be such things as:
What adverse conditions will be faced day to day?
Are there employees that hold information no one else has or tribal knowledge that puts the company at risk from a cross-training perspective?
What are the risks of an incomplete project?
What’s in scope – should we consider addressing the project in phases vs. a big bang approach?
What’s achievable within the timeline?
What are the key requirements vs. nice to have?
It’s preferable to approach the project in a phased rollout which ensures proper resources are allocated without disruption – focus on the quality of the deliverables. We encourage clients to list the goals for the project:
Define what a successful project looks like or would mean to their business.
What key measurable results do you expect to see 6-12 months post “go-live.”
By creating objectives and tangible measurements, the project team can gauge progress and ensure long-term success for the life of the project and beyond.